A Study in Greece and Southern Spain Proposals and Conclusions In the winter 2018 a study was realized about opportunities and difficulties for young people in Southern Spain and in Greece to find work in sector, which are relevant for energy transition. The study – under the name “Zukunftschancen Energiewende und Klimaschutz” (ZEWKlima) – …
Schlagwort: Spain
Permanentlink zu diesem Beitrag: https://www.hartwig-berger.de/cms/how-to-reduce-youth-unemployment-by-fighting-climate-change/
Young energy experts working for climate-friendly schools
Under the title Young energy experts working for climate-friendly schools… … a project is now starting in Greece and in Southern Spain. Unemployed young people, who have a basic training in “energy”, will do research in schools in their villages to see if and how the climatic conditions in them can be improved, with low …
Permanentlink zu diesem Beitrag: https://www.hartwig-berger.de/cms/young-energy-experts-working-for-climate-friendly-schools/